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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Becoming an Ethical Practitioner: A Training Guide for IT Professionals in Cyprus.

Becoming an Ethical Practitioner: A Training Guide for IT Professionals in Cyprus

                                                       Ethical hacking is the act of gaining unauthorized access to software frameworks, applications, or information. Ethical hacking involves copying the tactics and actions of malicious attackers. This training will help you identify security weaknesses that can  be fixed before malicious actors have a  chance to exploit them. You can become an ethical hacker if you have received ethical hacker training in Cyprus from a reputable training.



Key principles of ethical practice


We see that ethical activists follow four main principles:


Stay legal: Get proper permission from management before entering and conducting security assessments.Set the scope: Define the scope of your work so that your work remains legal and within the scope of the agreement issued by the organization.


Vulnerability Reporting: Notify your organization of all discovered vulnerabilities and how to fix them.

Services you can get from ethical brokers

As an ethical hacker, you are expected to impersonate an attacker involved in securing your organization's IT assets. This will look for attack vectors against the target. The first goal is to conduct research and collect as much data as possible.

Here are some pitfalls you can spot as an ethical coach:

• Injection attacks

• Broken authentication

• Incorrect security settings.

• Exploitation of components  known to have vulnerabilities.

• Disclosure of sensitive data.

Ethical compliance procedures


In the course, you will learn about  ethical hacking techniques. There are  three processes:


Black Box: When testing a black box, the intrusion detector should be placed in the image of a typical hacker. Internal knowledge about the target system is not shared. This test identifies system

Becoming an Ethical Practitioner: A Training Guide for IT Professionals in Cyprus


vulnerabilities that can be exploited outside the network. White box: A different form of black box testing. All source code, architecture documentation, etc. can be accessed. Penetration testers can perform static code analysis, and familiarity with source code inspectors, debuggers, and similar tools is essential for this type of testing.

Gray Box: The main purpose of gray box testing is to provide a more focused and systematic assessment of network security than black box assessment.

ethical hacking tools


During the training, you will learn ethical hacking tools like NMAP, Metasploit, Burp Suit, Angry IP Scanner, Cain & Abel, Ettercap, EtherPeek, SuperScan, etc.


The points you can


Ethical hacking can be certified, such as Certified Ethical Hacker. With these certificates, you can work as an ethical hacker not only in Cyprus, but all over the world.

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